[openmamba-devel-it] problemi con wicd dopo aggiornamento a makedist

Titti@gmail tiziana.ferro a gmail.com
Gio 6 Ago 2009 14:07:30 CEST

Ercole Carpanetto ha scritto:
> stando al sito wireless.kernel.org <http://wireless.kernel.org> devi 
> usare questa procedura
> export FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR="/lib/firmware"
> wget http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-
> tar xjf broadcom-wl-
> cd broadcom-wl-
> sudo ../../b43-fwcutter-012/b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta_mimo.o
> In pratica la versione di firmware non è abbastanza aggiornata
> fammi sapere
> ercole
Non funziona più correttamente b43-fwcutter, dite che è possibile 
aggiornare la versione?

b43-fwcutter -w "/lib/firmware" wl_apsta_mimo.o
Sorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by b43-fwcutter.
This file has an unknown MD5sum d768cdc18fbacb8e9fd402dadb08421d.

b43-fwcutter -w "/lib/firmware" wl_apsta_mimo.o
Sorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by b43-fwcutter.
This file has an unknown MD5sum d768cdc18fbacb8e9fd402dadb08421d.

Sorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by b43-fwcutter.
This file has an unknown MD5sum eaec9e329321d3a21a95815937ab044b.

b43-fwcutter -w "/lib/firmware" -l
b43-fwcutter version 011

Extracting firmware is possible from these binary driver files.
The <ID> column shows the unique identifier string for your firmware.
You must select the firmware with the same ID as printed by the kernel 
driver on modprobe.
Note that only recent drivers print such a message on modprobe.
Please read http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware

<driver>        <filename>              <microcode>     <ID>    <MD5 

b43legacy       wl_apsta.o              295.14          FW10    
b43             wl_apsta.o              351.126         FW11    
b43             wl_apsta_mimo.o         351.126         FW11    
b43             wl_apsta_mimo.o         410.2160        FW13    

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