[openmamba-devel-it] freecycle
puntogil a libero.it
Dom 20 Lug 2008 21:43:07 CEST
Ercole Carpanetto ha scritto:
> 2008/7/20 gil <puntogil a libero.it <mailto:puntogil a libero.it>>:
> Ercole Carpanetto ha scritto:
> 2008/7/19 gil <puntogil a libero.it <mailto:puntogil a libero.it>
> <mailto:puntogil a libero.it <mailto:puntogil a libero.it>>>:
> ciao
> ho aggiornato freecycle
> tutto bene finche non si clicca sul tasto con l'etichetta "time
> stretch to: "
> $ freecycle
> zap buffer 1097252852 done
> zap buffer 1130688168 done
> zap buffer -1073921336 done
> +++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 1 length: 0
> zap buffer 2 done
> No LADSPA_PATH environment variable!, trying /usr/lib/ladspa
> Start loading LADSPA plugins...
> -----------file: amp.so
> Mono Amplifier loaded
> Stereo Amplifier loaded
> -----------file: delay.so
> Simple Delay Line loaded
> -----------file: filter.so
> Simple Low Pass Filter loaded
> Simple High Pass Filter loaded
> -----------file: noise.so
> White Noise Source loaded
> -----------file: sine.so
> Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:audio) loaded
> Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:control) loaded
> Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:audio) loaded
> Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:control) loaded
> ...End.
> ALSA sequencer successfully opened.
> created the MIDI port 128:0 Freecycle
> A:0.1,0.05,0.5,H:0.1,D:0.1,0.25,1,S:1,R:0.1,0.95,0.5,Dur:1000,Res:100,M:1
> Querying Jack...
> JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
> Connected to JACK.
> Trying to apply envelope
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
> zap buffer 0 done
> zap buffer 2 done
> zap buffer 4 done
> +++++++init buffer type: 0 no: 0 length: 68731
> zap buffer 0 done
> init buffer 0 done
> +++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 1 length: 68731
> zap buffer 2 done
> init buffer 2 done
> Trying to apply envelope
> Zapping Instant Energy buffers
> in small wave setZoomRatio()
> in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
> start: 0 end: 68731
> Drawing from 0 to 68731
> end drawing
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> start: 0 end: 68731
> Drawing from 0 to 68731
> Started computing instant energies
> Ended computing instant energies
> Recomputing beats in time domain..
> in central wave resizeEvent() zoomRatio: 68
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> start: 0 end: 68731
> Drawing from 0 to 68731
> end drawing
> Recomputing beats in time domain ended
> Finding Zero-Crossings
> max variance: 14.3142 min variance: 0.00729388
> Finding Zero-Crossings ended
> Setting beatlines
> beatLines: 0
> hiding selection rectangle
> Wave L
> Effect added:1044
> +++++++init buffer type: 2 no: 1 length: 68731
> zap buffer 2 done
> init buffer 2 done
> +++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 2 length: 68731
> zap buffer 4 done
> init buffer 4 done
> applying plugin from sample: 0 to sample:68731
> Plugin applied
> Trying to apply envelope
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 68000
> Drawing from 0 to 68000
> end drawing
> in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68913 PX: 0 Z: 93
> start: 0 end: 68731
> Drawing from 0 to 68731
> end drawing
> in central wave resizeEvent() zoomRatio: 68
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 68000
> Drawing from 0 to 68000
> end drawing
> set complex
> Zapping Instant Energy buffers
> Trying to apply envelope
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 68000
> Drawing from 0 to 68000
> end drawing
> in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68913 PX: 0 Z: 93
> start: 0 end: 68731
> Drawing from 0 to 68731
> end drawing
> hiding selection rectangle
> Setting beatlines
> beatLines: 1
> Zapping Instant Energy buffers
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 68000
> Drawing from 0 to 68000
> end drawing
> Trying to apply envelope
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 68000
> Drawing from 0 to 68000
> end drawing
> in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68913 PX: 0 Z: 93
> start: 0 end: 68731
> Drawing from 0 to 68731
> end drawing
> hiding selection rectangle
> Setting beatlines
> beatLines: 1
> selected MIDI device empty, reading devices...
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 68000
> start drawing spectrum
> Computing fft
> fft computed.
> band height factor: 0.445238 band width factor:3.76471
> jump: 256
> Last chunk: 0
> real width: 1000 rounded width: 998
> end drawing spectrum
> start: 0 end: 68000
> start drawing spectrum
> band height factor: 0.445238 band width factor:3.76471
> jump: 256
> Last chunk: 0
> real width: 1000 rounded width: 998
> end drawing spectrum
> start: 0 end: 68000
> start drawing spectrum
> band height factor: 0.445238 band width factor:3.76471
> jump: 256
> Last chunk: 0
> real width: 1000 rounded width: 998
> end drawing spectrum
> start: 0 end: 68000
> start drawing spectrum
> band height factor: 0.445238 band width factor:3.76471
> jump: 256
> Last chunk: 0
> real width: 1000 rounded width: 998
> end drawing spectrum
> Trying to apply envelope
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 68000
> start drawing spectrum
> Computing fft
> fft computed.
> band height factor: 0.445238 band width factor:3.76471
> jump: 256
> Last chunk: 0
> real width: 1000 rounded width: 998
> end drawing spectrum
> in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68913 PX: 0 Z: 93
> start: 0 end: 68731
> Drawing from 0 to 68731
> end drawing
> start writing 68731 samples to:
> 0-/home/gil/.freecycle/temp/1216480260_0 from: 0 to 68731
> sfseek: 0
> SoundTouch compiled with FLOAT_SAMPLES
> new to old bpm: inf
> resampling from: 0 to: 68731
> +++++++init buffer type: 0 no: 0 length: 0
> zap buffer 0 done
> +++++++init buffer type: 2 no: 1 length: 0
> zap buffer 2 done
> +++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 2 length: 0
> zap buffer 4 done
> timestretch end
> Zapping Instant Energy buffers
> applying plugin from sample: 0 to sample:0
> Plugin applied
> Trying to apply envelope
> in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
> in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
> S: 0 E: 68000 PX: 0 Z: 68
> start: 0 end: 0
> freecycle: wavecanvas.cpp:204: void
> WaveCanvas::forceRepaint(long
> int, long int): Assertion `end_sample>start_sample' failed.
> Aborted
> A occhio sembra che quando vengono passati i parametri "start"
> e "end" del sample a wavecanvas questi vengano per errore
> azzerati, da qui l'errore.
> Te lo fa con qualsiasi selezione tu imposti o solo se hai
> selezionato l'intero sample? Comunque mi sa che è un bug del
> programma.
> Ciao
> Ercole
> --
> Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
> A.Camus
> sto utilizzando un sample intero... in loop
> bhe sul pc di file wave ne ho pochi (3)
> e con questi che ci giocherellavo....
> é troppo impegnativo?
> ciao e grazie
> Non credo quello, sto pensando ad un bug del programma: prova a
> tolgiere anche solo gli ultimi 2-3 secondi dal campione e vedere se lo
> da ancora; scorrendo il log notavo che l'endpoint era sempre 68731,
> poi alla fine prima dell'errore diventa 68000 esatti e poi 0
> --
> Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
> A.Camus
ho dimezzato il sample il risultato :
$ freecycle
zap buffer 1097252852 done
zap buffer 1130688168 done
zap buffer -1074853368 done
+++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 1 length: 0
zap buffer 2 done
No LADSPA_PATH environment variable!, trying /usr/lib/ladspa
Start loading LADSPA plugins...
-----------file: amp.so
Mono Amplifier loaded
Stereo Amplifier loaded
-----------file: delay.so
Simple Delay Line loaded
-----------file: filter.so
Simple Low Pass Filter loaded
Simple High Pass Filter loaded
-----------file: noise.so
White Noise Source loaded
-----------file: sine.so
Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:audio) loaded
Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:control) loaded
Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:audio) loaded
Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:control) loaded
ALSA sequencer successfully opened.
created the MIDI port 128:0 Freecycle
Querying Jack...
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
Connected to JACK.
Trying to apply envelope
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
zap buffer 0 done
zap buffer 2 done
zap buffer 4 done
+++++++init buffer type: 0 no: 0 length: 47148
zap buffer 0 done
init buffer 0 done
+++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 1 length: 47148
zap buffer 2 done
init buffer 2 done
Trying to apply envelope
Zapping Instant Energy buffers
in small wave setZoomRatio()
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
start: 0 end: 47148
Drawing from 0 to 47148
end drawing
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
start: 0 end: 47148
Drawing from 0 to 47148
Started computing instant energies
Ended computing instant energies
Recomputing beats in time domain..
in central wave resizeEvent() zoomRatio: 47
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
start: 0 end: 47148
Drawing from 0 to 47148
end drawing
Recomputing beats in time domain ended
Finding Zero-Crossings
max variance: 18.0467 min variance: 0.350624
Finding Zero-Crossings ended
Setting beatlines
beatLines: 0
hiding selection rectangle
moving selection
start writing 47148 samples to: 0-/home/gil/.freecycle/temp/1216582697_0
from: 0 to 47148
sfseek: 0
Started cropping buffers
zap buffer 0 done
zap buffer 2 done
Buffers cropped
Zapping Instant Energy buffers
Trying to apply envelope
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 0 E: 47000 PX: 0 Z: 47
start: 0 end: 9964
Drawing from 0 to 9964
end drawing
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 0 E: 46683 PX: 0 Z: 63
start: 0 end: 9964
Drawing from 0 to 9964
end drawing
in central wave: zoomAll()
in central wave zoomToSamplePos(0,9964)
[central wave]: temp_zoom: 9 visibleWidth: 996 s-e:0-9964
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
in small wave: zoomAll()
in small wave zoomToSamplePos(0,9964)
[small wave]: temp_zoom: 13 visibleWidth: 737 s-e:0-9964
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
Trying to apply envelope
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 0 E: 9633 PX: 0 Z: 13
start: 0 end: 9633
Drawing from 0 to 9633
end drawing
Wave L
Effect added:1044
+++++++init buffer type: 2 no: 1 length: 9964
zap buffer 2 done
init buffer 2 done
+++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 2 length: 9964
zap buffer 4 done
init buffer 4 done
applying plugin from sample: 0 to sample:9964
Plugin applied
Trying to apply envelope
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 0 E: 9633 PX: 0 Z: 13
start: 0 end: 9633
Drawing from 0 to 9633
end drawing
in central wave resizeEvent() zoomRatio: 9
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
Wave L
Effect added:1046
zap buffer 2 done
+++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 1 length: 9964
zap buffer 2 done
init buffer 2 done
in central wave resizeEvent() zoomRatio: 9
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
Trying to apply envelope
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 0 E: 9633 PX: 0 Z: 13
start: 0 end: 9633
Drawing from 0 to 9633
end drawing
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 0 E: 9633 PX: 0 Z: 13
start: 0 end: 9633
Drawing from 0 to 9633
end drawing
+++++++init buffer type: 2 no: 1 length: 9964
zap buffer 2 done
init buffer 2 done
+++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 2 length: 9964
zap buffer 4 done
init buffer 4 done
vot init succedded for [9] values
control values init ok
applying plugin from sample: 0 to sample:9964
Plugin applied
Trying to apply envelope
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
in small wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [small wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 0 E: 9633 PX: 0 Z: 13
start: 0 end: 9633
Drawing from 0 to 9633
end drawing
in central wave resizeEvent() zoomRatio: 9
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
in central wave resizeEvent() zoomRatio: 9
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 9495
Drawing from 495 to 9495
end drawing
start writing 9964 samples to: 0-/home/gil/.freecycle/temp/1216582697_1
from: 0 to 9964
sfseek: 0
SoundTouch compiled with FLOAT_SAMPLES
new to old bpm: inf
resampling from: 0 to: 9964
+++++++init buffer type: 0 no: 0 length: 0
zap buffer 0 done
+++++++init buffer type: 2 no: 1 length: 0
zap buffer 2 done
+++++++init buffer type: 4 no: 2 length: 0
ASSERT: "position<soundManager->getFrames()" in soundplayer.cpp (465)
zap buffer 4 done
timestretch end
reiniting ladspa control values
vot init succedded for [0] values
Zapping Instant Energy buffers
applying plugin from sample: 0 to sample:0
Plugin applied
Trying to apply envelope
in central wave zapWaveCanvasBuffers()
in wavecanvas (parent [central wave]) Buffers zapped
S: 495 E: 9495 PX: 55 Z: 9
start: 495 end: 0
freecycle: wavecanvas.cpp:204: void WaveCanvas::forceRepaint(long int,
long int): Assertion `end_sample>start_sample' failed.
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