openmamba livecd-gnome 20121103 (devel) new snapshot is available - 11/03/2012

The openmamba automatic build system announces the availability of the 20121103 snapshot release of the openmamba livecd-gnome distribution.


openmamba livecd is the GNOME desktop based release of the openmamba operating system distributed in ISO format so that you can make a CD or DVD with it, then the system can be used simply by booting (or rebooting) your computer after inserting the medium in the CD/DVD reader.
It also provides an installation interface for system installation on fixed disk that lets you use openmamba while maintaining the operating system pre-installed in your computer (e.g. Windows).
It can also be installed into an external USB storage device (e.g. a pendrive) by using the system tool openmamba USB installation.
It works on almost any Personal Computer: notebook, desktop and server.

Who it's for

openmamba livecd-gnome is the medium for who wants to have a GNOME desktop based system to be used live or to install into a computer. The installation can be later completed through the network.
It is suitable for most kinds of computer usages at home or office, i.e. accessing Internet, producing documents, listening to music and watching movies.


A Intel x86 compatible Personal Computer (PC) with the following minimum features:

Additional requirements for system installation:



LanguageArchDownload linkSizeDateMD5
italiani586openmamba-livecd-gnome-it-snapshot-20121103.i586.iso 729 MB2012-11-03c995a3c0705485bfdf8f8d23cd90c0f1
englishi586openmamba-livecd-gnome-en-snapshot-20121103.i586.iso 726 MB2012-11-0360ec4530a27980f501a5b734fc084b94
spanishi586openmamba-livecd-gnome-es-snapshot-20121103.i586.iso 729 MB2012-11-03fac5a5619c80d5ee78ca41f8c4e1638a

Operating system information

Kernel, boot and drivers

Linux kernel (i586)3.4.13kernel-mamba kernel-mamba-sound kernel-mamba-wireless
bootloader (grub)1.99grub
boot system (dracut)024dracut
NVIDIA proprietary driver304.43kernel-mamba-nongpl-nvidia libGL-nvidia-X11 xorg-drv-video-nvidia xorg-ext-libglx-nvidia
AMD/ATI proprietary driver8.982.12.8kernel-mamba-nongpl-fglrx libGL-fglrx-X11 xorg-drv-video-fglrx

GNU Toolchain

gcc4.7.2libgcc libgfortran libgomp libquadmath libssp libstdc++6
glibc2.16.0glibc ldconfig locales timezone
binutils2.23binutils libbinutils

Packages and updates management

RPM5.2.1python-rpm rpm
Smart Package Manager1.4.1smart smart-gui
PackageKit0.6.22PackageKit PackageKit-glib
Gnome PackageKit GUI3.4.2gnome-packagekit

Graphical and Desktop environment

X.org1.10.4xorg-ext-libglx xorg-server
Mesa9.0libEGL libgbm libGL-Mesa-dri libglapi libGLESv1 libGLESv2 libOpenVG libvdpau-Mesa

Graphics packages

gimp2.8.2gimp libgimp

Internet/Networking packages

NetworkManager0.9.6.4libnm NetworkManager
Gnome network management applet0.9.6.4network-manager-applet

Multimedia packages

totem3.6.2libtotem totem-mozilla-plugin
totem3.6.2libtotem totem-mozilla-plugin
totem3.6.2libtotem totem-mozilla-plugin
totem3.6.2libtotem totem-mozilla-plugin

Office/Publishing packages


Emulation/Virtualization packages


Recovery and diagnostic tools

Partition editor0.14.0gparted
Data recovery6.13testdisk
MBR boot loader1.1.11mbr
Serial terminal emulator2.6.3689minicom


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