[openmamba-users] News: new openmamba milestone 1 pre-release

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Mon Jun 2 17:52:38 CEST 2008

**openmamba milestone1 pre-release 5**

 A new release of openmamba livecd and livestudio is available for
What's new in this release:

 Test and correction of international (english) release
 Added installation group with base web server packages (Apache, PHP,
 Added integrated support for internet access through proxy server
 Support for PDA and cellullar phones syncronization with kitchensync
 Supporto for Skype installation from network
 System and desktop final changes for stable release
 Many updates and bugfixes

 The livecd release can be downloaded from

 The livestudio release can be downloaded from

If the tests won't reveal new major problems, in a short period the
milestone 1 repository will be freezed and stable openmamba milestone
1 1.0 will be released. This will give users a stable system with
limited updates and developers a development branch for the future
milestone 2 release.

Have a nice day,


**Newsletter by mambaSoft di Calarco Silvan <http://www.mambasoft.it>

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