[openmamba-devel-it] errore kuser pre8
Fabio Giani
fabio.giani a gmail.com
Ven 6 Gen 2012 18:16:13 CET
Cercavo di lanciare kuser senza risultato, ho provato ad eseguirlo da shell:
[fabio a mambabox1 ~]$ kdesudo kuser kuser(6640): Session bus not found
To circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and
bash) export $(dbus-launch)
KCrash: Application 'kuser' crashing...KCrash: Attempting to start
/opt/kde/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinitWarning: connect()
failed: : No such file or directoryKCrash: Attempting to start
/opt/kde/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi directlydrkonqi(6641): Session bus
not found To circumvent this problem try the following command (with
Linux and bash) export $(dbus-launch)
[fabio a mambabox1 ~]$
Ho provato ad eseguire il comando suggerito sia come utente che come
root ma non cambia nulla
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