[openmamba-devel-it] JAVA_HOME

Ercole Carpanetto ercole69 a gmail.com
Mar 13 Gen 2009 08:25:19 CET

2009/1/13 gil <puntogil a libero.it>

> ciao
> ho questo problema
> ho provato a settare
> con /opt/java/jdk1.6.0/bin
> opt/java/jdk6u7/bin
> /opt/java/jdk/bin:
> checking for java... /opt/...
> checking for javac... /opt/...
> checking for javah... /opt/j..
> checking for jar... /opt/java/j..
> checking whether Java interpreter works... no
> pero il risultato é sempre lo stesso (?)
> configure: WARNING: Java not found. Please install JDK 1.4 or later, make
> sure that the binaries are on the PATH and re-try. If that doesn't work, set
> JAVA_HOME correspondingly.
> qualche consiglio?
> grazie

Prova a settare JAVA_HOME solo come /opt/java/jdk6u7

Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
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