[openmamba-devel-it] strani messaggi kooka

Fabio Giani fabio.giani a gmail.com
Ven 19 Set 2008 17:29:16 CEST

Oggi casualmente ho avviato kooka da shell e ho notato dei messaggi di
errore che mi suonano strani, poi il programma pare funzionare regolarmente
ma nn vorrei sia il segno di qualche errore latente.

 kooka &
[1] 28191
[titti a delld810 ~]$ libkscan: WARNING: Trying to copy a not healthy option
(no name nor desc)
libkscan: WARNING: Trying to copy a not healthy option (no name nor desc)
kio (KDirLister): +KDirLister
kio (KDirListerCache): +KDirListerCache
kio (KDirWatch): Available methods: Stat, Inotify
kio: KSambaShare::readSmbConf /etc/samba/smb.conf
kio: KSambaShare: Found path: /var/lib/samba/netlogon/
kio: KSambaShare: Found path: /var/lib/samba/profiles/
kio: KSambaShare: Found path: /var/lib/samba/profdata/
kio: KSambaShare: Found path: /home/%u/
kio: KSambaShare: Found path: /home/%u/shared/
kio: KSambaShare: Found path: /var/lib/samba/drivers/
kio: KSambaShare: Found path: /var/spool/samba/
kio (KDirWatch): Added File /etc/samba/smb.conf [KDirWatch-1]
kio (KDirWatch): Added File /etc/security/fileshare.conf [KDirWatch-1]
kio: KNFSShare::readExportsFile /etc/exports
kio (KDirWatch): Added File /etc/exports [KDirWatch-1]
kio (KDirLister): [virtual bool KDirLister::openURL(const KURL&, bool,
bool)] file:///home/titti/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages/ keep=true reload=false
kio (KDirListerCache): [bool KDirListerCache::listDir(KDirLister*, const
KURL&, bool, bool)] 0x8242298
url=file:///home/titti/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages keep=true reload=false
kio (KDirListerCache): listDir: Entry not in cache or reloaded:
kio (KDirWatch): Added Dir /home/titti/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::slotEntries(KIO::Job*, const
KIO::UDSEntryList&)] new entries for
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::slotResult(KIO::Job*)]
finished listing file:///home/titti/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages
kio (KDirLister): -KDirLister
kio (KDirLister): [virtual void KDirLister::stop()]
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::stop(KDirLister*)] lister:
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::forgetDirs(KDirLister*)]
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::forgetDirs(KDirLister*, const
KURL&, bool)] 0x8242298 _url: file:///home/titti/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages
kio (KDirListerCache): [void KDirListerCache::forgetDirs(KDirLister*, const
KURL&, bool)] 0x8242298 item moved into cache:
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for '/etc/exports' sub_entry:
kio (KDirWatch): inotify remove true true
kio (KDirWatch): Cancelled INotify (fd 13, 3) for /etc/exports
kio (KDirWatch): Removed File /etc/exports [KDirWatch-1]
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for '/etc/samba/smb.conf'
sub_entry: (nil)
kio (KDirWatch): inotify remove true true
kio (KDirWatch): Cancelled INotify (fd 13, 1) for /etc/samba/smb.conf
kio (KDirWatch): Removed File /etc/samba/smb.conf [KDirWatch-1]
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for
'/etc/security/fileshare.conf' sub_entry: (nil)
kio (KDirWatch): inotify remove true true
kio (KDirWatch): Cancelled INotify (fd 13, 2) for
kio (KDirWatch): Removed File /etc/security/fileshare.conf [KDirWatch-1]
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for
'/home/titti/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages' sub_entry: (nil)
kio (KDirWatch): inotify remove true true
kio (KDirWatch): Cancelled INotify (fd 13, 4) for
kio (KDirWatch): Removed Dir /home/titti/.kde/share/apps/ScanImages
kio (KDirListerCache): -KDirListerCache
kio (KDirWatch): Available methods: Stat, Inotify
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for '/etc/samba/smb.conf'
sub_entry: (nil)
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry can't handle
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for
'/etc/security/fileshare.conf' sub_entry: (nil)
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry can't handle
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for '/etc/exports' sub_entry:
kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry can't handle '/etc/exports'
[titti a delld810 ~]$

Non capisco cosa abbiano a che fare con  la scansione per esempio smb.conf,
fileshare.conf ecc.
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