[openmamba-devel-it] kompozer
Ercole Carpanetto
ercole69 a gmail.com
Gio 23 Ott 2008 22:10:23 CEST
2008/10/23 gil <puntogil a libero.it>
> gil ha scritto:
> $ kompozer
>> Extension System Warning: Failed to set up default extensions files
>> probably because you do not have write privileges to this location. While
>> you can run Firefox like this, it is recommended that you run it at least
>> once with privileges that allow it to generate these initial files to
>> improve start performance. Running from a disk image on MacOS X is not
>> recommended.
> Qui dice di provare a lanciarlo come superuser la prima volta: ci hai
Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
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