[openmamba-devel-it] btanks 2

gil puntogil a libero.it
Gio 2 Ott 2008 13:30:13 CEST

ho trovato questa soluzione
cito : <<

The following (psuedocode) sequence, forces fglrx to revert to indirect  
dpy = XOpenDisplay()
visual = glXChooseVisual(dpy)
dpy2 = XOpenDisplay()
ctx = glXCreateContext(dpy2, visual) <-- fglrx reverts to indirect  

Changing the code to use the same display connection for glXChooseVisual  
and glXCreateContext solves this problem.

I do not know if what I was doing was wrong/prohibited in X11 (wasn't able  
to find any relevant information on the net). It seems, however, that  >> .
there are other applications affected by this issue (VLC for example) -

pero non mi é chiaro dove devo (e se devo) applicarla
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