[openmamba-devel-it] squid
tiziana.ferro a gmail.com
Lun 14 Lug 2008 08:21:39 CEST
Ercole Carpanetto ha scritto:
> 2008/7/13 gil <puntogil a libero.it <mailto:puntogil a libero.it>>:
> Ercole Carpanetto ha scritto:
> 2008/7/12 gil <puntogil a libero.it <mailto:puntogil a libero.it>
> <mailto:puntogil a libero.it <mailto:puntogil a libero.it>>>:
> ciao
> sto provando ad aggiornare squid... ho come al solito un
> problema
> che no riesco a risolvere da solo ...
> ...
> BuildRequires: perl-Authen-Smb
> # perl(getopts.pl): perl requirement not resolved
> ho bisogno di pero non si compila perche :
> Currently this software is only tested on Win32 against
> Maple 9.01
> and Maple 10.00, but it's believed to work with other versions
> higher than 9. If you get it work with a specific version of
> Maple, please send me a mail and let me know. :=)
> To build this module properly, you must first have Maple 9 or
> better installed on your system and append the paths of
> *maplec.h*
> and *maplec.lib* in your Maple installation to the environments
> LIB and INC respectively. Because this module use Maple's C
> interface (OpenMaple) via XS.
> Both /maplec.h/ and /maplec.lib/ (or maplec.a on *NIX systems?)
> are provided by your Maple installation itself. A typical
> path of
> maplec.h is "C:\Program Files\Maple 9\extern\include", which
> should be appended to the INCLUDE environment. And a
> typical path
> of maplec.lib is "C:\Program Files\Maple 9\bin.win", which
> should
> be appended to the LIB environment. These paths may be
> different
> on your machine but do depend on your Maple's version and
> location.
> It may be similar on UNIX, but I haven't tried that.
> It's known that this library's XS part won't work with
> Maple 7 on
> Win32. Sigh
> Ciao Gil, a che versione stai cercando di aggiornare? Io ho
> provato a compilare la 3 ma non ho perl-Maple fra i requisiti.
> Ercole
> --
> Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
> A.Camus
> ciao
> é la 3.0.STABLE7 presa da qui
> http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.0/
> grazie
> E' la stessa mia, ma compilandola a mano non mi chiede il modulo
> perl-Maple: sicuro non sia un buildrequirements vecchio non più
> necessario?
> Ercole
> --
> Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.
> A.Camus
vedo che con autospec -u -a6 dice:
# perl(getopts.pl): perl requirement not resolved
quindi serve ciò che contiene il file getopts.pl, che presumibilmente si
trova in perl-Maple come dice gil.
Ercole, perl spesso ti dice dopo la compilazione cosa gli serve...
(presumo che in questo caso senza quel file vengano disabilitate delle
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